Construct a Kindergarten
Sector | Education |
Country | Georgia |
Location | Muzhava |
Beneficiaries | 34 children annually |
Duration | 2 years (2014-2016) |
Organisation | Government of Liechtenstein, Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Justice and Culture, Vaduz |
The village of Muzhava has around 1 350 inhabitants, including around 210 Internally Displaced Persons from Abkhazia who live in harsh conditions, in abandoned former governmental buildings located on village land. The nearest pre-school was located 9 km from the village, had limited capacity and was in a bad state of repair. Moreover, no transportation was available. Children join pre-school at the age of 2 to 3 years and move on to basic education when they are 7 years old. The project financed the construction of a kindergarten in the village of Muzhava that accommodates 50 children. The building is connected to the central water and electricity supply systems and the sewerage system and is constructed according to Government standards. The kindergarten teachers are employed and paid by the Government. In 2017, 34 children attended kindergarten.

The newly constructed kindergarten offers children daily education in an isolated area where no other schools are present.