Prevent and Treat Obstetric Fistula
Sector | Health |
Country | Mali |
Location | Ségou and Baroueli Districts |
Beneficiaries | 4 200 91 women annually |
Duration | 3 years (2013-2016) |
Organisation | IAMANEH, Basel |
In Mali, the prevention of fistulas is a key priority of IAMANEH. Fistulas occur in complicated, protracted births if women do not have access to obstetric care in time. Girls and young women whose pelvis is still very narrow are particularly affected. Women suffering from fistulas are incontinent. Many of them are rejected by their husbands and live in isolation. Over the course of the three years, 275 cases of fistula were identified and treated in the Segou Region. Access to health services and their quality were improved. Simultaneously, the population was educated about the connection between early marriage and fistulas, the importance of prenatal examinations, and the cause, consequences and treatment of fistulas. Positive impacts were reported regarding the use of prenatal services and the increase of institutional births.

Sensitisation campaigns in villages where both men and women are included, raise awareness about the causes and prevention of fistula.