Promote the Development of People with Disabilities
Sector | Social Care |
Country | El Salvador |
Location | Departements of Chalatenango, Cuscatlán, San Vicente, Usulután and Cabañas |
Beneficiaries | 1 260 people annually |
Duration | 3 years (2013-2015) |
Organisation | medico international schweiz, Zurich |
Medico international schweiz aims to improve the living conditions of people with disabilities and their families. The consolidation of the association of parents and family members “Los Angelitos” was pursued in order to use the existing capacity and strength of the association for awareness raising in the social surroundings of people with disabilities, as well as lobbying political actors and working in the advisory boards of ministries. “Los Angelitos” was founded in 2004 from an initiative of parents with children with disabilities living in the Department of Chalatenango. Other project activities included rehabilitation work such as prevention, early diagnosis, early intervention and inclusion. At national level, “Los Angelitos” participated in the drafting of the “Inclusion Law” which was submitted to the Parliament.

Swimming serves as a therapy and strengthens at the same time the bond between mother and her child who has special needs.