Provide Meals for Elderly People
Sector | Social Care |
Country | Moldova |
Location | Beștemac, Maximeni, Satul Nou, Gura Galbenei, Cazangic, Ghetlova, Chetrosu, Mîndrești, Vatici, Rădoaia, Pirita |
Beneficiaries | 460 elderly people annually |
Duration | 3 years (2014-2016) |
Organisation | Concordia Proiecte Sociale, Chisinau |
As a result of migration many elderly people live alone without support, suffering from loneliness and neglect. Concordia Proiecte Sociale operated a soup kitchen in nine communities. From Monday to Friday, approximately 460 elderly people were provided with a hot, freshly cooked meal. For those unable to travel to the soup kitchens, meals were delivered and support with household activities was provided. Volunteers and project staff visited the homes of these elderly people on a daily basis either on foot, by bike or by horse and cart. Concordia Proiecte Sociale extended its social services in the soup kitchen now known as social centres, to families and children as well. In all locations the municipalities were providing the premises and were covering the water and waste water expenses.
For elderly people in remote areas who are immobile, bedridden or living on their own, a daily hot meal is very welcome.