Improve Drinking Water Supply and Promote Agro-ecological Production
Sector | Health |
Country | Ecuador |
Location | Canton of Guaranda |
Beneficiaries | 2 125 indivviduals |
Duration | 2 years (2016 - 2018) |
Organisation | SWISSAID, Bern |
Unsustainable agricultural practices led to deforestation, erosion and declining yields threatening the food security. Two water systems were built and 126 families, who had greatly contributed to the construction work, were given access to clean water for drinking and irrigation. The families increased the area of irrigated land, which in turn helped them to increase and diversify their food production for consumption and to sell at markets. 425 farmers learned to apply agro-ecological farming principles, i.e. crop rotation, green manure, compost, and biological pest control. By 2018, a totalof 145 500 sq. Metres were cultivated without any synthetic inputs. The two municipal water committees, which operate the plants and protect the local natural springs, have been officially recognised.

The entire village community actively participated in the laying of the Pipeline system for the drinking water supply and the irrigation of their fields.