Provide New Prospects for Adolescents at Risk
Sector | Social Care |
Country | Colombia |
Location | Santiago de Cali, Aguablanca District |
Beneficiaries | 100 youth (65 female) annually |
Duration | 3 years (2017–2020) |
Organisation | terre des hommes schweiz, Basel |
Violence is the leading cause of death among young people in the Aguablanca District. Many adolescents live in poverty and have barely opportunities to enjoy leisure activities such as sports or cultural activities. Many of them end up consuming or selling drugs and affiliate with local drug gangs. The local partner approaches young people in the street and invites them to participate in their educational programme. In seven youth centres the young people find protection as well as medical and psychological care. Step by step they work their way out of the spiral of violence, learn to reject the path of gang crime and to communicate with their families without conflict. The project offers workshops on topics such as life dreams, communication and motivation and supports young people to find an apprenticeship or to return to the school.

These young women are members of a youth organisation. Here they take part in a workshop where violence prevention is discussed and behaviour is debated. © terre des hommes schweiz | Julian Andres Torres Palacio