Nothilfe für die vom Erdbeben betroffene Bevölkerung [Übersetzung ausstehend]
Sector | Emergency Relief |
Country | Haiti |
Location | Grand’Anse Department |
Beneficiaries | 3 000 (1 820 female) |
Duration | 1 year (2021–2022) |
Organisation | HEKS, Zurich |
On 14 August 2021 a 7.2 magnitude earthquake shook Haiti where the Grand’Anse Department was particularly hit. HEKS runs its own coordination office in Jérémie, a town in the affected area. Being present for more than 30 years, trust and good relationships with the local authorities helped to efficiently deliver emergency support. Right after the earthquake, the population was supplied with essential goods and items to protect themselves in the first weeks. For two months, HEKS distributed two meals per day to families that had lost their provisions and income. As the water supply was mostly cut off or destroyed, 10 000 people were provided with drinking water for up to six months after the disaster. Besides this direct support and in view of a long-term solution six collective water tanks were rehabilitated as well as some rainwater harvesting systems

The earthquake destroyed a nearby natural water source. These newly installed large water tanks now provide safe drinking water.© HEKS | John Cadafy