Increase Community Ownership to Manage Health Services
Sector | Health |
Country | Cameroon |
Location | Bankim District |
Beneficiaries | 59 000 (whereof 59% female patients) annually |
Duration | 4 years (2018–2021) |
Organisation | FAIRMED, Berne |
After 12 years of presence, FAIRMED has withdrawn from Bankim in the southwest of Cameroon at the end of 2021. During the whole period, Medicor Foundation has accompanied the work and contributed significantly to the project costs. While the initial focus was on the diagnosis and treatment of the neglected tropical skin disease Buruli ulcer, which is endemic in Bankim, the work in recent years has focused mainly on strengthening the public and private actors responsible for the health of the population, namely the Government of the District, the Council of Bankim Municipality, the local Health Committees, and the Self-help Groups of the population. If these bodies co-operate, health care will continuously be provided in the ten health centres and the district hospital. The conditions for this important service are now put in place.

The tropical disease Buruli ulcer causes large skin lesions, if left untreated. Ruben and Pierre regularly come to Bankim District Hospital, where they receive medication and the healing process is monitored. © FAIRMED