Empower Children and Marginalised Youth
Sector | Education |
Country | Albania |
Location | Tirana |
Beneficiaries | 90 children (47 girls) annually |
Duration | 3 years (2019 – 2021) |
Organisation | Jugend eine Welt, Vienna |
The coronavirus pandemic exacerbated the already difficult financial situation of many families in Albania. Due to poverty and lack of prospects, many children are forced to contribute to the family income. They beg or work on the streets and hence miss school, or do not go to school at all. Roma children in particular are found in street situations. In the day-care centre of Don Bosco in Tirana, 90 children were offered extra tutoring every year, and effectively integrated into the public school system. There they found a conducive environment for learning, playing and sports activities. The children received medical care and a daily lunch, which alleviated the financial burden on the families. Moreover, 25 young people and nine mothers were offered a vocational training and successfully graduated as plumbers, electricians, tailors or IT workers

Children not only receive support with their schoolwork, but also have the possibility to play sports and have fun in a safe environment. © Qendra Don Bosko Tirana