Set-up Solidarity and Protection Networks
Sector | Social Care |
Country | Liberia |
Location | Bezirk Sinoe |
Beneficiaries | 320 women annually |
Duration | 3 years (2016 – 2019) |
Organisation | medica mondiale, Cologne |
Liberia’s progressive laws regarding violence against women were of little benefit to women in the Southeast, where traditional customs dominated and public services were weak. Medica mondiale supported medica Liberia to intensively train health, court and police professionals in trauma-sensitive care. Simultaneously, it provided comprehensive assistance to 320 women and girls annually. An important achievement is that trauma-sensitive services are now available through the structures that medica mondiale put into place in collaboration with medica Liberia, and that violence survivors know where to find help. Owing to a broad sensitisation of the population and the active involvement of men and the elderly, medica mondiale contributed to reduce violence against women, as the population is rethinking its attitudes towards women and girls.
Speaking out against gender-based violence often conflicts with local customs. It needs self-confidence and courage for women to share openly their experiences. © medica mondiale | Hanna Hilger