Promote Access to Quality Eye Care Services
Sector | Health |
Country | Mosambique |
Location | Provinces of Sofala, Tete, Niassa, Zambezia and Cabo Delgado |
Beneficiaries | 3 836 people received cataract surgery annually (1 756 women) |
Duration | 3 years (2017-2019) |
Organisation | LIGHT FOR THE WORLD International, Vienna |
The Austrian organisation addressed avoidable blindness in five provinces with a comprehensive approach to eye care in both rural and urban areas. Access to eye care services was increased by supporting over 65 primary eye care units in rural screening and outreach activities. During outreaches with mobile clinics, the ophthalmic clinical officers offer consultations and refer patients to the hospital, where they are treated by an ophthalmologist. Patient transport to the hospital was also organised. Coordination of health extension workers and community volunteers as well as continued training and supervision by the Provincial Eye Care Coordinators were strengthened. The National Eye Health Programme was supported not only financially, but also through capacity building in management, planning, monitoring, supervision and training activities.
Ophthalmic Clinic Officers are essential to expand the provision of eye care services. They are trained to use specific equipment and diagnose sight problems. © LIGHT FOR THE WORLD International