Restore Advanced Mobility to Amputees

Sector Health
Country Tanzania
Location Njombe
Beneficiaries 207 people annually (61 women)
Duration 2 years (2016 – 2018)
Organisation SwissLimbs, Sementina

SwissLimbs restores advanced mobility to disabled people who lack the resources to secure their own rehabilitation. It adopts the innovative SwissLeg™ technology, which is an affordable and comfortably fitted prosthetic leg with the best quality-to-cost ratio. This technology combines high mobility, a simple and fast manufacturing process, and readily available, light, and durable materials. SwissLimbs trained 42 ortho-prosthetic professionals and financed the manufacture of ortho-prosthetic limbs: 477 persons benefitted from ortho-prosthetic services and could resume a normal quality of life. SwissLimbs provided the hospital in Ikonda with a new orthopaedic wing. The word that prostheses with a new low-cost technology were available in rural areas spread rapidly, and the Centre for Orthopaedic Technologists and other hospitals asked SwissLimbs for assistance.

This light, strong and low-cost technology allows also children to wear a prosthesis. It is adapted to their growth and lets them actively play with their peers as they are not tied to a wheel chair. © SwissLimbs