Provide Cash Assistance for Emergency Situations
Sector | Emergency Relief |
Country | Lebanon |
Location | Central Beqaa |
Beneficiaries | 2 160 people |
Duration | 1 year (2019 – 2020) |
Organisation | Caritas Schweiz, Lucerne |
In the Beqaa Valley, where hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees live in temporary settlements, the project set up a temporary safety net by providing emergency cash assistance to families hit by an economic shock. For up to 6 months, 178 families received in average USD 250 per month. Additionally, subsidies for inpatient care were granted to people in need of life-saving treatments. With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, the project was adapted to respond to the new situation. An additional 283 families that lost livelihood opportunities as a result of restriction measures benefitted from cash assistance. Vulnerable persons suffering from serious medical conditions continued to receive treatment, as the project distributed medicines and equipment through Caritas Lebanon’s Mobile Medical Units and Primary Health Care Centres.
This young mother who lives in a temporary settlement recently lost her husband and had no source of income. She received cash assistance for four months as well as vocational training including job counselling.© Caritas Schweiz | Anita Wey