
The following section gives an insight into the type of projects supported by Medicor Foundation:

Project Content Sector Region
Assist Vulnerable People to Cope with Covid-19 Implications Emergency Relief Eastern Europe
Assure Access to Water and Sanitation Facilities Health Latin America and The Caribbean
Balanced Nutrition for Indigenous Families Health Latin America and The Caribbean
Build a New Health Centre Health Eastern Europe
Coach Vulnerable Children by young Mentors Social Care Eastern Europe
Coach Youth for Employment and Entrepreneurship Education Eastern Europe
Construct a Kindergarten Education Eastern Europe
Construct a Kindergarten Education Africa
Develop Agricultural Livelihoods Health Latin America and The Caribbean
Develop and Improve Kindergarten Education Education Africa
Develop Sustainable Livelihoods Health Africa
Duplikat von Improve Cultivation Techniques for Small-scale Fruit Producers Education Eastern Europe
Empower Children and Marginalised Youth Education Eastern Europe
Empower Women Affected by Sexual Violence Social Care Africa
Empower Women through Training in Agriculture and Entrepreneurship Health Africa
Empower Youth through Sustainable Agriculture Education Africa
Enable Access to Quality Education for Vulnerable Children at Risk of Violence Education Latin America and The Caribbean
Enable Vulnerable Girls to Transition to Secondary School Education Africa
Improve Access to Kindergarten for Disadvantaged Children Education Eastern Europe
Improve Access to Primary Education Education Africa
Improve Access to Quality Health Care Health Africa
Improve Cultivation Techniques for Small-scale Fruit Producers Education Eastern Europe
Improve Drinking Water Supply and Promote Agro-ecological Production Health Latin America and The Caribbean
Improve Facilities in Secondary Schools Education Africa
Improve Food Security for Small-scale Farmer Families Health Latin America and The Caribbean
Improve Health of Indigenous Mothers and Children Health Latin America and The Caribbean
Improve Health of Women, Newborns and Teenage Mothers Health Africa
Improve Hygiene and Access to Safe Water Health Africa
Improve Income of Rural Women from Cocoa Production Education Latin America and The Caribbean
Improve Reproductive, Maternal Neonatal and Child Healthcare Health Latin America and The Caribbean
Improve Reproductive, Maternal Neonatal and Child Healthcare Health Africa
Improve Shelter Conditions Emergency Relief Asia
Increase Access to Kindergarten Education Eastern Europe
Increase Community Ownership to Manage Health Services Health Africa
Increase Girls’ Retention and Completion Rates in Primary Schools Education Africa
Install Sanitation and Cooking Facilities for Refugees Emergency Relief Asia
Install Water Pumps for Drinking Water and for Agricultural Production Health Africa
Integrate Internally Displaced Young Adults into the Formal Labour Market Education Latin America and The Caribbean
Integrate Water Management for Families and Communities to Improve their Health Health Latin America and The Caribbean
Introduce a Pension Scheme for Elderly People and Allowances for their Grandchildren Social Care Africa
Introduce Adapted Agricultural Techniques and Marketing Systems Health Africa
Introduce Adapted Agricultural Techniques and Marketing Systems Health Africa
Nothilfe für die vom Erdbeben betroffene Bevölkerung [Übersetzung ausstehend] Emergency Relief Latin America and The Caribbean
Offer a Protective Environment for Refugee Children Emergency Relief Eastern Europe
Offer Comprehensive Care for Victims of Violence Social Care Eastern Europe
Offer Humanitarian Assistance for People Affected by Hurricanes Eta and Iota Emergency Relief Latin America and The Caribbean
Prevent and Treat Obstetric Fistula Health Africa
Prevent and Treat Visual Impairments Health Africa
Promote Access to Quality Eye Care Services Health Africa
Promote Inclusive Kindergarten Education Education Eastern Europe
Promote the Development of People with Disabilities Social Care Latin America and The Caribbean
Promote Youth Economic Empowerment Education Latin America and The Caribbean
Protect Children at Risk and Help them to Refrain from Drug Abuse Social Care Latin America and The Caribbean
Protect Children from Abusive Labour and Trafficking Social Care Africa
Provide After-school Classes for Vulnerable Children Education Eastern Europe
Provide Assistance to Victims of Landmines Social Care Latin America and The Caribbean
Provide Cash Assistance for Emergency Situations Emergency Relief Asia
Provide Community-based Rehabilitation Social Care Latin America and The Caribbean
Provide Drinking Water and Improve Hygiene and Sanitation Health Africa
Provide Emergency Health Care Emergency Relief Asia
Provide Emergency Response for Internally Displaced Persons Emergency Relief Africa
Provide Health Services and Social Care Social Care Eastern Europe
Provide Health Services in Rural Areas Health Latin America and The Caribbean
Provide Home-based Care for Elderly People Social Care Eastern Europe
Provide Home-based Care to Elderly People Social Care Eastern Europe
Provide Hot Meals for War-affected People Emergency Relief Asia
Provide Inclusive Education for Children with Disabilities Education Africa
Provide Meals for Elderly People Social Care Eastern Europe
Provide New Prospects for Adolescents at Risk Social Care Latin America and The Caribbean
Provide Preschool Bilingual Education for Mayan Children Education Latin America and The Caribbean
Provide Rehabilitation Services for Injured People Emergency Relief Eastern Europe
Provide Shelter Assistance to Syrian Refugees Emergency Relief Asia
Provide Vocational Skills in Farming for Vulnerable Youth Education Africa
Reconstruct Destroyed Schools and a Health Post Emergency Relief Asia
Reduce Institutional Care for Children Social Care Eastern Europe
Reduce Violence against Girls and Women Social Care Africa
Refurbish and Renovate a Hospital Health Eastern Europe
Renovate and Furnish Kindergartens Education Eastern Europe
Restore Advanced Mobility to Amputees Health Africa
Set-up Solidarity and Protection Networks Social Care Africa
Strengthen Six Shelters for Victims of Violence Social Care Latin America and The Caribbean
Supply Food and Agricultural Inputs for Vulnerable Families Emergency Relief Latin America and The Caribbean
Support a Centre for Therapy and Rehabilitation Social Care Eastern Europe
Support Children and Families at Risk Social Care Eastern Europe
Support Implementation of Juvenile Justice Social Care Latin America and The Caribbean
Support Men to Overcome Violent Behaviour Social Care Eastern Europe
Support Youth to Follow an Apprenticeship Programme Education Africa
World Humanitarian Day – Corona Pandemic Support Emergency Relief Latin America and The Caribbean

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